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Multimodal Response 7

I think of transmodality to multimodality as bilingualism is to being a translator. While a bilingual person may speak more than one language and be able to use that interchangeably in their daily life, using this skill to be a translator is a whole new approach to the skill. Being a translator means one acts as a bridge for information to flow between one person to the next; to people or groups that would not have otherwise been able to communicate. It is the same with transmodality and mutlimodality. Multimodality is the practice of multiple modes of learning, whereas transmodality takes the information presented from multimodality and presents it in multiple ways tailored to different types of learning. The piece by Artz, Hashem and Mooney is a great example of this. Their site shows different ways one can learn about the subject through transmodality itself. I find videos the most digestable way to learn about things, so I watched the video first. While their approach to this concept doesn't involve prolonged studies and user feedback, it instead shows how it can be used in real time–by the reader (myself in this case).

This same application of transmodality could be used in my second project. I am doing a family tree and plan to represent it in a visual way by creating a definitive "tree" layout. When thinking about transmodality and how it can be applied to this project, I am thinking that I could add stories or text descriptions to the visual layout as well. This way a reader can either look at the tree, or read about the individuals within it depending on how they learn best. By adding transmodality to this project, it also adds dimension to its scope and what it can accomplish. The more different interactable areas that are added, the more the project develops into a complex web of information as opposed to a static, uninteresting layout. I believe as any sort of creator, you must encompass rewards for the curious within your work.

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