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Multimodal Response 10

Throughout this semester, I have been exposed to a wide range of new media, forms of communication, and applications of writing and...

Multimodal Response 9

I think the case of #GirlsLikeUs is a perfect example which illustrates the power and reach of online communities. Janet Mock, outspoken...

Process Work (11/7)

After watching the Youtube channel Vsauce, I noticed a couple of recurring trends in the videos. There are often graphics, sound effects,...

Process Work (10/29)

Notes - Imagery will be key in this project (images of relatives etc) - Could be beneficial to include a male/female indicator (like a...

Multimodal Response 7

I think of transmodality to multimodality as bilingualism is to being a translator. While a bilingual person may speak more than one...

Multimodal Response 6

In my own terms, remediation is creating an updated, improved, or culturally modified version of a previous work to create relevance or...

Process Work (10/15)

A nonlinear approach has allowed me to look at a physical space through the lense of a wide range of audiences. When creating a map, you...

Multimodal Response 5

For my first project slice, I feel as I have accomplished a lot of my final goals already. My initial goal was to recreate and update the...

Process Work (9/24)

While I understand the hard transition between writing and multimodal media, I personally do not find this relatable. I am a graphic...

Multimodal Response 4

When I began brainstorming for my nonlinearity project, I thought about ways in my life that I already "choose my own adventure". I...

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