When I began brainstorming for my nonlinearity project, I thought about ways in my life that I already "choose my own adventure". I thought about things I do in my daily life, challenges or decisions I face, and hobbies that I enjoy and how they all involve choice. I came to the conclusion that I wanted to create a project that somehow interacted with these daily choices and my own real world adventure. I also wanted my final project to be something that I could actively use or share with others. After some thought and mental planning, I decided that I wanted to create a map.
My next mission was to decide what I wanted to map. I thought about what I enjoy and where I may maximize the usage of this map. I ruled out making my own map for campus as I already know the campus and there are also already so many for me to reference if needed. This prompted me to find something that was either not yet mapped or did not have a good or recent map created already. In reference back to my hobbies, I love hiking and decided that I wanted to create a map for trails. In my home town, there is a large forest reserve dedicated to hiking that my friends and I would go to frequently in high school and now during the summers. The trails are very well kept and documented on the ground, but the map created for the park was last updated in the 1980's and much of the area had changed.
For my nonlinearity project, I am going to map the park and incorporate multimodal communication into the final design. As DePalma and Alexander reference in their article, multimodal creation can present a couple key obstacles; trouble creating a coherent design where all the modes speak to each other in a comprehensible way, and tailoring the design to fit a wide range of audiences. As for creating a coherent design that incorporates multimodal communication in a seamless way, I want to include sound, images, trails, and descriptions on the map as opposed to traditionally just the trails. My concept is that this map can be accessed online and there will be marks on the mapped trails where you can listen to audio bites or look at photos for a given marked location on the trail. As for creating a map that is tailored to a wide range of audiences, I plan to also make the map printable. While you won't be able to access the sounds on the trails, you will still be able to see the final mapped area itself as well as pictures and descriptions of the trails.
This concept is subject to change, however, after reading the article and considering the obstacles when creating multimodal projects, I feel that this concept has great potential.